My Birth Story…

It was 7pm and I felt contractions start, I had a friend with me tracking the pattern forming on the app. I called my Midwife that was out of town to let her know I felt it was the real thing. She instructed me to go take a warm bath and drink a glass of wine to slow them down in hopes that she could come back in time to attend my birth.  I did exactly as she said but now I know that if its true labor there is no stopping it. By 10pm, I let her know that they had increased in intensity and were getting closer together. She apologized to me knowing that she wouldn’t be the midwife I had planned on seeing in labor and assured me that I would absolutely love her back up midwife. I cried grieving her words and releasing control of something I had no control over. Knowing these were my final moments of solitude, I put on a little makeup and took my last belly bump pictures. At 11:30pm the midwife and her team arrived to a softly candlelit home and meditative music. I asked her to check to my dilation, she did, I was shocked to hear her say I was 7-8cm. “I am going to have this baby soon,” I naively thought in my mind. I was filled with excitement. My entire pregnancy was filled with videos of women peacefully given birth, testimonies of psychedelic births, hypnobirthing meditations that put me to sleep, and loads of yoga. I was as prepared as I’d ever be. I was unafraid. As I made my way to the warm birthing pool in my living room, I felt the confidence of birth in my spirit.  I remember going so deep within myself that I could hear my midwives asking each other in the far distance if I was asleep. I wasn’t asleep but I was definitely in the trance of labor feeling every sensation, every movement, all the power. The moon became the sun while time stood still in this cosmic dance. I occasionally opened my eyes and would see four of my midwife in multiple colors.  I now know I had accessed a tremendous amount of dmt from my pineal gland from this near death initiation we go through in childbirth. Finallly at 4:16pm the following day, my son was born. The words “He’s out!” as my midwife handed him to me released an avalanche of tears from all my family members. I’ve never felt so strong in my life. I was levitating.  I did not feel my feet touch my ground for entire week. I stared into my babies eyes knowing my life had forever changed for the good. I was one of the women who walked away from this experience empowered and I decided in that very moment that THIS was how I wanted to serve women. I needed to teach them how to access this holy place where birth was no longer filled with trauma and fear, rather, from opening their energetic bodies to enter in the realm of the unknown with full confidence and surrender. 

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